





SONY PlayStation個人情報漏洩









ハンター・バイデンは、海外での取引について精査しているにもかかわらず、中国のプライベート・エクイティ・ファームの株式をまだ所有しているとされています。 ハンターは、2013年にBHRパートナーズが設立されたときに取締役会に加わりました。

上院財政委員会のチャック・グラスリー委員長(共和党)は2019年8月、「BHRは2013年11月に、中国政府関連企業であるBohaiCapitalとRosemontSenecaPartnersという名前の企業の合併により設立された」と述べた。 -ハンターによって設立されました。


2015年、BHRは、中国のAviation Industry Corporationと提携して、米国の自動車会社HennigesAutomotiveを6億ドルで買収しました。 Hennigesは、軍事用途のある技術を生み出しています。 中国航空工業集団は、過去に米国のネットワークをハッキングして軍用機の設計を盗んで自分たちで使用した疑いがあります。

Fox NewsのBHRの詳細:

BHRは、中国株式投資協会(EIAC)および北京プライベートエクイティ協会(BPEA)により、2017年に中国のM&Aファンドトップ10の1つに選ばれました。 BHRは、2017年のチャイナベンチャーアワードで「最高の栄誉」を受賞しました。このアワードでは、CEOのジョナサンリーが中国の「2016年のM&A投資家トップ10」の1人に選ばれました。




バイデンは、彼の政権に利益相反はないだろうと付け加えた。 「私の家族の誰もホワイトハウスに事務所を持たず、まるで閣僚であるかのように会議に出席し、実際には外国企業や外国に関係する人とはいかなる取引関係もありません。期間 期間。話の終わり」とジョー・バイデン氏はABCニュースのレポートで述べた。

デイリーコーラーからの新しいレポートは、ハンターがまだ中国の会社の彼の株を所有していると主張します。 ワシントンの企業記録によると、ハンターは彼の会社であるスカニースルズLLCを通じて会社の10%の株式を保有し続けており、彼が唯一の受益者であることが報告されています。 このレポートは、中国の市場調査を提供する独立したサービスであるQixinbaoとBaiduを通じて中国の国家信用情報広報システムに提出された企業記録に基づいています。



バイデン氏は、当時のドナルド・トランプ大統領を狙い撃ちしながら、「Axios on HBO」とのインタビューで、「この政権で起こったことのために、彼らはいかなる外国事業にも従事しないだろう」と述べた。 「誰も中国から物事の特許を求めるつもりはない。誰もそのようなことをするつもりはない。問題について話したいのなら、トランプの家族について話そう。」








Hunter Biden purportedly still owns a stake in a Chinese private equity firm, despite scrutiny about his overseas business dealings. Hunter joined the board of BHR Partners in 2013, when it was created.


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Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said in August 2019 that "BHR was formed in November of 2013 by a merger between the Chinese-government linked firm, Bohai Capital, and a company named Rosemont Seneca Partners," which was co-founded by Hunter.

Previously reported by TheBlaze:

In 2015, BHR, in partnership with the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, acquired the U.S. auto company Henniges Automotive for $600 million. Henniges produces technologies that have military applications. The Aviation Industry Corporation of China has been suspected in the past of hacking U.S. networks to steal military airplane designs for their own use.
BHR Partners, which manages over $2.3 billion in assets, is co-owned by the Bank of China, which is one of the four biggest state-owned Chinese banks.

More on BHR from Fox News:

BHR was named as one of China's top 10 Mergers & Acquisitions funds in 2017 by Equity Investment Association of China (EIAC) and the Beijing Private Equity Association (BPEA). BHR went on to receive "top honors" at the 2017 China Venture Awards, which also named the CEO Jonathan Li as one of China's "Top 10 M&A Investors 2016."
In October 2019, Biden announced that he was stepping down from the board of BHR, and his lawyer claimed that there was no wrongdoing that prompted that decision.

"Hunter will agree not to serve on boards of, or work on behalf of, foreign-owned companies," George Mesires said in his statement.



At the time, presidential candidate Joe Biden applauded his son's decision by saying it "represents the kind of man of integrity he is and what in fact he has done and why he stepped down."

"He's decided that he does not think that is good to do. He has said that he does not like the appearance of it," Joe Biden said, ABC News reported.

Biden added that there would be no conflicts of interest in his administration. "No one in my family will have an office in the White House, will sit in at meetings as if they're a cabinet member, will in fact have any business relationship with anyone that relates to a foreign corporation or a foreign country. Period. Period. End of story," Joe Biden said in the ABC News report.

A new report from the Daily Caller claims that Hunter still owns his stake in the Chinese firm. The report found that Hunter continues to hold a 10% stake in the firm through his company, Skaneateles LLC, where he is the sole beneficial owner, according to Washington corporate records. The report was based on corporation records filed with China's National Credit Information Publicity System through Qixinbao and Baidu, independent services that provide Chinese market research.

In late December, there were reports from the Daily Mail and Fox News that Hunter was in the process of unloading his stake in BHR, according to an unnamed source familiar with Hunter Biden's business dealings.

In December 2019, Joe Biden pledged that his family would not be involved in overseas business dealings.

"They will not be engaged in any foreign business because of what's happened in this administration," Biden said in an interview with "Axios on HBO," while taking a shot at then-President Donald Trump. "No one's going to be seeking patents for things from China. No one's going to be engaged in that kind of thing. If you want to talk about problems, let's talk about Trump's family."

Hunter Biden has been scrutinized for his business relationship with foreign companies, especially CEFC China Energyand Ukrainian gas company Burisma, which he was a board member of.

A September 2020 report alleged that Hunter Biden held a stake in a Chinese tech company that had been sanctioned by the U.S. for its purported involvement in the surveillance of Uighurs and Chinese Muslims in the Xinjiang region.


