



(DEW、directed-energy weaponの略称)は、



















































(2008年7月8日   WIRED)


しかしその完成品は、筆者が『New Scientist』誌で報じたとおり、




(Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio)の頭文字を取って『MEDUSA』と呼ばれる。








1986年、東芝半導体事業本部長川西剛[注 4]は国際担当専務の仲介で李秉喆会長や幹部総出のVIP歓迎を受けて建設途中の半導体工場を視察し、見返りに当時世界最大容量1メガビットDRAMを開発中の最新鋭大分工場を見学[17]させている。1986年、三星電子も1メガビットDRAMを開発し、東芝大分工場生産ラインを統括担当する製造部長をスカウトして大分工場と同等設備を有する製造工場を建設している[15]。







Samsung Galaxy



特に1997年のアジア通貨危機は、国家経済の危機とは裏腹にサムスン電子を強力な企業に成長させるきっかけとなった。通貨危機で韓国の大企業30社のうち16社が破綻し、サムスン電子も韓国政府から公的資金が注入される事態となり、倒産寸前にまで追い込まれたが、破綻を避けるために広範な構造改革の断行や効率的な経営計画の実行などにより、サムスン電子は半官半民の韓国の将来をかけた企業として、グローバル企業への成長を加速させた[18]。インターネット・バブル崩壊後の2000 - 2003年にもサムスン電子純益伸び率5%を記録した。



















1969年1月 - 三星電子工業(株)設立。

1969年12月 - 三洋電機の韓国でのジョイントベンチャーとして三星三洋電機を設立(1977年三星電子に合併)。

1970年1月 - NECの韓国でのジョイントベンチャーとして三星NECの設立。

1970年11月 - 白黒テレビ「P-3202」を試生産。

1973年 - 三星三洋電子設立(現・サムスン電機)。

1973年12月 - 三星家電工場を竣工。

1974年 - 三星電子東京事務所が開設

1975年 - 三星ジャパン株式会社 設立

1977年 - 三星電気(株)を吸収合併。

1978年7月 - アメリカに現地販売法人「SEA」を設立。

1980年3月 - 韓国電子通信株式会社を買収。

1980年9月 - ポルトガルの最初の現地生産法人「SEP」竣工。

1982年6月 - ドイツに現地販売法人「SEG」設立。

1982年9月 - ポルトガルの最初の現地生産法人「SEP」竣工。

1982年12月 - 韓國電子通信、三星半導体通信株式會社に商号変更。

1983年 - 三星電子株式会社 東京支店 開設

1984年2月 - 三星電子(株)と改称。

1984年 - 光州電子(株)を合併。

1984年 - 11月にイギリスに現地販売法人「SEUK」設立。

1984年12月 - アメリカに現地生産法人「SII」設立。

1987年5月 - 海外の研究所(アメリカ・サンタクララ、日本・東京)を設立。

1987年9月 - オーストラリアに現地販売法人「SEAU」設立、カナダに現地販売法人「SECA」設立。

1987年10月 - イギリスに現地生産法人を竣工、生産開始。

1987年 - 李健熙(イ・ゴンヒ)が2代目会長に就任。

1988年 - 三星半導体通信(株)を吸収合併、第二創業宣言「21世紀に超一流企業に」。

1988年10月 - フランスで販売会社「SEF」設立、タイに現地生産法人「TSE」設立、メキシコに現地生産法人「SAMEX」竣工、生産開始。

1988年11月 - にサムスン半導体通信を吸収合併。

1989年8月 - マレーシアに現地法人を設立。

1992年2月 - チェコスロバキア(当時)に現地生産法人を設立。

1992年7月 - 中国・天津にVTR生産法人を設立。

1993年 - 李会長がフランクフルトで「新経営」宣言 量より質の経営へ。

1994年11月 - 障害者のための工場、無窮花(ムグンファ)電子設立。

1996年3月 - アメリカ・テキサス州オースティンに半導体工場を着工。

1997年1月 - 第2創業を宣言。

1997年 - アジア通貨危機で従業員の30%を削減。

1998年 - 日本サムスン設立。

2000年10月 - 中国に通信技術研究所を設立。

2004年4月 - ソニーと合弁で液晶パネル製造会社S-LCD設立。

2004年4月 - 東芝と光ディスク装置の合弁会社 東芝サムスンストレージテクノロジーを設立。

2004年12月 - サムスン電子ソニー、相互特許使用契約の締結。

2007年11月 - 家電販売で日本市場から撤退。ソフトバンクモバイル向け携帯電話の製造・販売は継続される。

2008年4月 - 複数の違法行為の責任をとって李健熙会長兼CEOが辞任。

2008年11月 - 本社をソウル特別市中区太平路から同市瑞草区瑞草洞へ移転

2010年3月 - 李明博の恩赦により李健熙が会長に復帰

2016年11月 - オーディオ機器・車載インフォテイメント関連企業のハーマン・インターナショナルを約80億米ドルで買収。

2017年2月 - 全国経済人連合会(全経連)に脱退届けを提出。














COME   NOW,   Plaintiff   Raytheon   Company   (“Raytheon”),   and   Defendants   Sony   Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, Sony Electronics Inc., Sony Mobile Communications (USA)   Inc.,   Sony   Semiconductor   Corporation,   Sony   EMCS   Corporation,   Sony   Mobile   Communications Inc., and Sony Mobile Communications AB, (collectively, “Sony defendants”), OmniVision Technologies, Inc. (“OmniVision”), and Apple Inc. (“Apple”), Samsung Electronics Co.,  Ltd.,  Samsung  Electronics  America,  Inc.,  and  Samsung  Semiconductor  Inc.  (collectively,  “Samsung”)  (Sony  defendants,  OmniVision,  Apple,  and  Samsung  collectively,  “Defendants”)  (collectively, “Parties”) hereby jointly file this Joint Report and Joint Motion to Terminate Stay and Dismiss.   The Court, having considered this request, is of the opinion that the Parties’ motionto terminate stay and dismiss Plaintiff’s claims against Defendants with prejudice and Defendants’ counterclaims against Plaintiff as moot should be GRANTED.IT  IS  THEREFORE  ORDERED  that  Plaintiff’s  claims  for  relief  against  Defendants  are  dismissed with prejudice and Defendants’ counterclaims against Plaintiff as moot. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all fees and costs shall be borne by each party incurring the same.Case 2:15-cv-00341-JRG-RSP   Document 126-1   Filed 06/08/18   Page 1 of 2 PageID #:  3094


〈原告レイセオン会社(「レイセオン」)、および被告ソニー企業〉今すぐ来なさい アメリカ、ソニーエレクトロニクスInc.、ソニーモバイル通信(米国)Inc.、ソニー半導体企業、ソニーイーエムシーエス企業、ソニーモバイル通信Inc.、およびソニーモバイル通信AB ,(集合的に「ソニー被告」) OmniVision のソニー企業 従って、テクノロジー,Inc.(「OmniVision」)、およびアップルInc.(「アップル」)、サムスン電子Co.,Ltd.、サムスン電子アメリカ,Inc.、およびサムスン半導体Inc.(集合的に「サムスン」)(集合的のソニー被告、OmniVision、アップル、およびサムスン、「被告」)(集合的に「パーティー」)は、このジョイントリポートとジョイント動作をターミネート滞在と解雇に一緒にファイルする。  法廷は、この要求を考慮し、パーティーのmotiontoが終わるという意見をもっている 人民集会がGRANTEDであるはずであるので、原告に対する先入観および被告の反訴を持つ被告に対して原告の主張を延期し、解雇する 。被告に対するリリーフについての原告の主張が先入観および被告の反訴によって原告 として 未解決 に対して退けられるそれであるTHEREFORE ORDERED。すべての料金とコストが2 PageID#の個々のパーティーを招くthe same.Case2時15分-cv-00341-JRG-RSP文書126-1ファイリング06/08/18ページ1により負担されることとするそれであるFURTHER ORDERED:3094






NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential.

United States Court of Appeals

for the Federal Circuit ______________________









2017-1554, 2017-1556, 2017-1557


Appeals from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Patent Trial and Appeal Board in Nos.

IPR2015-01201, IPR2016-00209, IPR2016-00962.


Decided: April 2, 2018


 JOHN J. MOLENDA, Steptoe & Johnson, LLP, New

York, NY, argued for appellant. Also represented by


FANG BU, Washington, DC.

 MATTHEW A. SMITH, Smith Baluch LLP, Washington,

DC, argued for all appellees. Appellee Sony Corporation

also represented by ANDREW BALUCH; ROBERT LOUIS 



ZWEIG, Turner Boyd LLP, Redwood City, CA.

 RONALD J. PABIS, Greenberg Traurig LLP, Washington, DC, for appellees Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.,

Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. Also represented by MARK G. DAVIS, PATRICK


New York, NY; HEATH BRIGGS, Denver, CO.


Before LOURIE, O’MALLEY, and WALLACH, Circuit Judges.

O’MALLEY, Circuit Judge.

Raytheon Company (“Raytheon”) appeals from final

written decisions in two inter partes review (“IPR”) proceedings, in which the Patent Trial and Appeal Board

(“Board”) held all claims of U.S. Patent No. 5,591,678

(“’678 patent”) unpatentable. See Sony Corp. v. Raytheon

Co., IPR2015-01201, 2016 Pat. App. LEXIS 13452

(P.T.A.B. Nov. 30, 2016) (“1201 Decision”); Sony Corp. v.

Raytheon Co., IPR2016-00209, -00962, 2016 Pat. App.

LEXIS 13045 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 30, 2016) (“209 Decision”).

For the following reasons, we affirm.


A. The ’678 Patent

Entitled “Process of Manufacturing a Microelectric

Device Using a Removable Support Substrate and EtchStop,” the ’678 patent is directed to purported advances in

the manufacture of stacked semiconductors found in

everyday electronic devices. The patent expired before

the IPR proceedings at issue were initiated, and claims

priority to an application filed on January 19, 1993.

Rather than employ a conventional “front-side” fabrication process, whereby microelectronic circuits are 


formed and substrates are stacked on top of a wafer, the

’678 patent employs a “back-side” process, whereby many

of the fabrication steps are performed on the bottom of the

wafer. ’678 patent, col. 2, ll. 29–37. As shown in box 24 of

Figure 1 below, a first, multi-layer substrate 40 containing circuitry 50 is attached to the bottom of a second

substrate 58, which provides mechanical support for the

wafer and circuitry. Id. col. 4, ll. 22–52; id. col. 5, ll. 15–


Id. fig.1. (boxes 24, 28). Once the wafer and circuitry are

supported, the back side of the first substrate is removed.

Id. col. 5, ll. 45–51. Finally, as shown in box 28 of Figure

1, various back-side electrical connections are formed

through the remaining portion of the first substrate. Id.

col. 6, ll. 10–15, 44–49.

This fabrication method allows electrical connections

to be made through the device rather than around the

sides thereof—making the device more compact—while

using the second substrate to protect the fragile wafer and

circuitry from damage during fabrication. Id. col. 1, l. 50

to col. 2, l. 2; id. col. 2, ll. 32–37; id. col. 2, l. 59 to col. 3, l.

14. Additional substrates may be sequentially stacked on

the back side of the resulting structure to achieve a threedimensional device containing an arbitrarily large number of layers. See id. col. 3, ll. 38–40; id. col. 7, ll. 14–17,


Dependent claim 5 is representative and recites—

through its dependence from claim 1—the method described above using silicon-based materials: 


1. A method of fabricating a microelectronic device, comprising the steps of:

furnishing a first substrate having an

etchable layer, an etch-stop layer overlying the etchable layer, and a wafer overlying the etch-stop layer;

forming a microelectronic circuit element

in the exposed side of the wafer of the first

substrate opposite to the side overlying

the etch-stop layer;

attaching the wafer of the first substrate to

a second substrate; and

etching away the etchable layer of the first

substrate down to the etch-stop layer.

. . . .

5. The method of claim 1, wherein the etchable

layer is silicon, the etch-stop layer is silicon dioxide, and the wafer is single-crystal silicon.

Id. col. 8, ll. 5–16 (emphasis added), 30–32.

B. The Prior Art

Three prior art references are at issue on appeal:

(1) U.S. Patent No. 4,422,091 to Liu (“Liu”), (2) U.S.

Patent No. 5,202,754 to Bertin (“Bertin”), and

(3) Japanese Unexamined Patent Application Publication

No. 64-18248 to Morimoto (“Morimoto”).

Liu issued in 1983 and therefore qualifies as prior art

to the ’678 patent under pre-AIA § 102(b). Liu describes a

gallium arsenide, multi-layer charge coupled device

(“CCD”) for detecting electromagnetic radiation, as well as

a method of fabrication. Liu at Abstract; id. at col. 2, 7–



Bertin issued several months after the priority date of

the ’678 patent, but was filed sixteen months prior thereto, on September 13, 1991, and therefore nominally qualifies as prior art under pre-AIA § 102(e). Bertin discloses

“[a] fabrication method and resultant three-dimensional

multichip package” containing several layers of siliconbased material. Bertin at Abstract; id. col. 1, ll. 10–15; id.

col. 1, l. 55 to col. 2, l. 31; id. col. 3, ll. 4–46.

Finally, Morimoto published in 1989 and therefore

qualifies as prior art under pre-AIA § 102(b). Morimoto

discloses “a method for manufacturing semiconductor

devices” containing multiple layers. J.A. 115–16.1 One of

those layers is a “supporting silicon substrate,” which

Morimoto teaches is removed during the fabrication

process. See J.A. 116 (explaining that a “two-layer active

layer structure is formed” by, among other things, bonding a “supporting silicon substrate” to an insulating film,

performing additional steps, and then “removing the

supporting silicon substrate” (emphasis added)).

C. Procedural History

Appellees Sony Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co.,

Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., and Samsung

Semiconductor, Inc. (collectively, “Sony”) filed a series of

IPR petitions against Raytheon’s ’678 patent, which were

consolidated into the two proceedings at issue here.

In its final written decisions, the Board held in relevant part all claims unpatentable under pre-AIA 35

U.S.C. § 103 as obvious over the prior art of record. See

209 Decision, 2016 Pat. App. LEXIS 13045, at *33–64;

1201 Decision, 2016 Pat. App. LEXIS 13452, at *43–69.

Sony appealed with respect to claims 5, 13–14, and 16–18


1 We cite here to the certified English translation of

Morimoto included in the joint appendix. See J.A. 115–19.


only. We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C.

§ 1295(a)(4)(A).


Raytheon makes three principal arguments on appeal.

First, Raytheon asserts that the Board failed to address

its argument that using silicon in Liu’s devices would

render them inoperable. Second, Raytheon argues that

the Board erred in finding that it failed to antedate Bertin. Third, Raytheon argues that the Board erroneously

construed the claim term “second substrate” to encompass

Morimoto’s temporary supporting substrate. As explained

below, we disagree with Raytheon’s Liu- and Bertin-based

arguments and therefore affirm the Board’s obviousness

determinations. And, as also explained below, while we

agree with Raytheon that the Board’s construction of

“second substrate” is erroneous, that issue is rendered

moot in view of our holding.

A. The Board’s Liu-Based Findings

The Board found appealed claims 5, 13–14, and 16–18

obvious over Liu in view of other prior art of record. See

209 Decision, 2016 Pat. App. LEXIS 13045, at *33–63.

Obviousness is a question of law based on underlying

factual findings relating to “the scope and content of the

prior art, differences between the prior art and the claims

at issue, the level of ordinary skill in the pertinent art,

and any objective indicia of non-obviousness.” Randall

Mfg. v. Rea, 733 F.3d 1355, 1362 (Fed. Cir. 2013) (citing

KSR Int’l Co. v. Teleflex Inc., 550 U.S. 398, 406 (2007)).

We review the Board’s ultimate legal determination of

obviousness de novo and its underlying factual findings

for substantial evidence. PPC Broadband, Inc. v. Corning

Optical Commc’ns RF, LLC, 815 F.3d 747, 751 (Fed. Cir.

2016). Substantial evidence is “such relevant evidence as

a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a

conclusion.” In re Gartside, 203 F.3d 1305, 1312 (Fed.


Cir. 2000) (quoting Consol. Edison Co. of N.Y. v. N.L.R.B.,

305 U.S. 197, 229 (1938)).

As described above, Liu describes a multi-layer CCD

for detecting electromagnetic radiation. While Liu

acknowledges that silicon devices are “adequate for many

applications,” it states that silicon-based devices are

unsuitable for “some specific applications,” including “star

sensors which require extremely low dark currents and

high optical responsivity.” Liu, col. 1, ll. 15–26. Liu

teaches that these objectives—which comprise just two of

Liu’s six objects of the invention—are “not likely to be

realized simultaneously” in silicon-based CCDs. Id. col. 1,

ll. 25–26; id. col. 1, l. 59 to col. 2, l. 6. Liu therefore employs gallium arsenide, rather than silicon, for its devices.

Pointing to these passages, Raytheon argues that using silicon in Liu’s CCDs would defeat Liu’s primary

objectives of achieving low dark current and high optical

responsivity, which, in turn, would render Liu’s devices

inoperable for their intended purpose. Appellant Br. 52–

54 (citing In re Gordon, 733 F.2d 900 (Fed. Cir. 1984)).

For this reason, Raytheon argues, a skilled artisan would

not be motivated to combine Liu with secondary references that teach using silicon in semiconductor devices.

Raytheon contends that the Board failed to address this

argument in its final written decision. We disagree.

Raytheon’s inoperability argument is a slight variation of the argument that the Board squarely addressed.

The Board found that Liu’s statement that silicon can

hamper performance in CCDs for “some specific applications”—i.e., for star sensors—does not teach away from

using silicon in CCDs for other applications, including

microelectronics applications. See 209 Decision, 2016 Pat.

App. LEXIS 13045, at *43–45. Indeed, as the Board

noted, Liu expressly teaches that silicon in semiconductor

systems was generally known. Id. at *44 (citing Liu, col.

1, ll. 16–17; id. col. 5, ll. 9–10). And, relying in part on 


Sony’s petition and expert’s declaration, the Board found

that, because “the vast majority of devices [at the time]

were made with silicon, Liu’s reference to silicon would

not have convinced anyone to avoid it except for certain

specific applications.” Id. (internal quotation marks


That Liu’s claimed invention is directed primarily to

star sensor applications does not preclude a skilled artisan from combining Liu with silicon-based references for

different applications. “A reference must be considered

for everything that it teaches, not simply the described

invention or a preferred embodiment.” In re Applied

Materials, Inc., 692 F.3d 1289, 1298 (Fed. Cir. 2012)

(citing EWP Corp. v. Reliance Universal Inc., 755 F.2d

898, 907 (Fed. Cir. 1985)). Indeed, “[o]n the issue of

obviousness, the combined teachings of the prior art as a

whole must be considered.” EWP, 755 F.2d at 907. As

described above, Liu teaches that silicon-based devices

were known. Thus, a skilled artisan cannot be assumed

to ignore Liu merely because it is primarily directed to a

specific application that is different from the application

claimed in the patent at issue. KSR, 550 U.S. at 420–21

(“The idea that a designer hoping to make an adjustable

electronic pedal would ignore Asano because Asano was

designed to solve the constant ratio problem makes little

sense.”). In view of Liu’s teachings and the record evidence, therefore, we conclude that the Board’s findings

are supported by substantial evidence.

Even if Raytheon were correct that Liu’s high optical

responsivity and low dark current objectives would be

thwarted by using silicon in Liu’s devices for microelectronics applications, those objectives comprise just two of

Liu’s six stated goals. Raytheon does not explain why the

resulting device, with just those two objectives frustrated,

would be rendered inoperable rather than merely less

efficient or less desirable. See Allied Erecting & Dismantling Co. v. Genesis Attachments, LLC, 825 F.3d 1373, 


1381 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (“Although modification of the

movable blades may impede the quick change functionality disclosed by Caterpillar, ‘[a] given course of action often

has simultaneous advantages and disadvantages, and this

does not necessarily obviate motivation to combine.’”

(quoting Medichem, S.A. v. Rolabo, S.L., 437 F.3d 1157,

1165 (Fed. Cir. 2006)). Raytheon’s inoperability argument therefore fails on its own terms.

Substantial evidence supports the Board’s finding

that a skilled artisan would have been motivated to use

silicon material with Liu’s CCD semiconductors in nonstar sensor applications. We therefore affirm the Board’s

determination that Liu renders appealed claims 5, 13–14,

and 16–18 of the ’678 patent obvious.

B. The Board’s Bertin-Based Findings

 The Board also found appealed claims 5 and 13 obvious over Bertin in view of Morimoto. See 1201 Decision,

2016 Pat. App. LEXIS 13452, at *43–48. Raytheon does

not challenge the Board’s finding that Bertin and

Morimoto collectively disclose every limitation recited in

those claims, or that a skilled artisan would have been

motivated to combine the references. Instead, Raytheon

argues only that Bertin is not prior art because the inventors reduced to practice the claimed subject matter before

Bertin’s filing date. Again, we disagree.

To antedate a prior art reference, a patentee must establish that it invented the subject matter recited in the

patent claims before the reference’s priority date. That,

in turn, can be established by showing “either an earlier

reduction to practice, or an earlier conception followed by

a diligent reduction to practice.” Purdue Pharma L.P. v.

Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, 237 F.3d 1359, 1365 (Fed.

Cir. 2001). A party seeking to establish an actual reduction to practice, as here, must satisfy a two-prong test:

(1) the party must construct an embodiment or perform a

process that satisfies every element of the claim at issue, 


and (2) the embodiment or process must operate for its

intended purpose. In re Steed, 802 F.3d 1311, 1318 (Fed.

Cir. 2015); Cooper v. Goldfarb, 154 F.3d 1321, 1327 (Fed.

Cir. 1998). “The inventor must also have ‘contemporaneous recognition and appreciation of the invention’ represented by the claims.” Purdue, 237 F.3d at 1365–66.

Significantly, an inventor’s testimony alone is insufficient to establish an earlier reduction to practice. Medichem, 437 F.3d at 1169–71. Instead, a party seeking to

prove an actual reduction to practice must proffer evidence corroborating that testimony. Id. at 1170. “Sufficiency of corroboration is determined by using a ‘rule of

reason’ analysis, under which all pertinent evidence is

examined when determining the credibility of an inventor’s testimony.” Id.; Cooper, 154 F.3d at 1330. Whether

a patentee reduced its invention to practice is a mixed

question of law and fact. REG Synthetic Fuels, LLC v.

Neste Oil Oyj, 841 F.3d 954, 958 (Fed. Cir. 2016); Steed,

802 F.3d at 1318–20; Cooper, 154 F.3d at 1327. We

review the Board’s legal conclusions de novo and its

underlying factual findings for substantial evidence.

REG, 841 F.3d at 958; Steed, 802 F.3d at 1318–20;

Cooper, 154 F.3d at 1327.

Much of the parties’ briefing and supporting evidence

related to Raytheon’s reduction to practice contention are

designated confidential. Accordingly, we do not describe

these documents in detail here. For purposes of our

analysis, it is sufficient to address Raytheon’s arguments

at a high level of generality. During the IPR proceedings,

the inventors testified that they reduced to practice the

subject matter recited in the claims by the end of 1990—

more than nine months before Bertin’s September 1991

filing date—while working on a project for their employer

and original assignee, Hughes Aircraft Company.

Raytheon relies on a March 1991 internal report to

corroborate that testimony. As the Board found, however, 


the report indicates that one of the claimed steps had not

yet been completed by December 1990. The report states,

for example, that the particular structure referenced in

the report was an “intended structure,” and that a constituent structure was “awaiting” a process step and

testing critical to one of the claim limitations.2 J.A. 241–

42 (emphases added). The Board concluded that these

statements imply that Hughes expected to complete the

claimed step in the future, contrary to the inventors’

testimony. 1201 Decision, 2016 Pat. App. LEXIS 13452,

at *36–38. Based on our careful review of the report, the

inventor testimony, and the balance of the record on

appeal, we conclude that substantial evidence supports

the Board’s finding that the report contradicts the inventors’ testimony and therefore cannot corroborate such


We reject, moreover, Raytheon’s legal arguments as to

why the Board erred. First, Raytheon argues that the

Board erred by requiring every point of the reduction to

practice be disclosed in the corroborating evidence, which

Raytheon contends is inconsistent with the rule of reason

standard. Raytheon is correct that corroborating evidence

need not disclose each and every aspect of the claimed

invention. See Cooper, 154 F.3d at 1331 (“[T]he law does

not impose an impossible standard of independence on

corroborative evidence by requiring that every point of a


2 The report also states that Hughes “will emphasize continuing” development related to the claimed goals

in early 1991, J.A. 242 (emphasis added), but does not

indicate that such goals were ever achieved. And, although the report states that Hughes “completed the

design and layout of” a particular structure, it states that

Hughes only “continued development” of a relevant step

in the claimed process. J.A. 238; J.A. 241 (emphasis



reduction to practice be corroborated by evidence having a

source totally independent of the inventor[.]” (internal

quotation marks omitted)); see also Fleming v. Escort Inc.,

774 F.3d 1371, 1377 (Fed. Cir. 2014). But the Board did

not require such proof here. As described above, the

Board determined that the corroborating evidence contradicted the inventor’s testimony and therefore could not be

sufficiently corroborative. This conclusion is reasonable

in view of the evidence. Cf. Woodland Tr. v. Flowertree

Nursery, Inc., 148 F.3d 1368, 1371 (Fed. Cir. 1998) (explaining that, in evaluating the rule of reason, courts take

into account “contradiction or impeachment of the witness’ testimony”).

Second, Raytheon argues that the Board erroneously

required that the corroborating evidence itself be corroborated. To support that argument, Raytheon points to

specific language in the Board’s final written decision in

which it stated that “there is no corroborating evidence

that” a particular structure described in the report was

“constructed or tested in 1990.” 1201 Decision, 2016 Pat.

App. LEXIS 13452, at *36. That statement, however,

does not fault Raytheon for failing to proffer evidence that

corroborates the corroborating evidence. Instead, it faults

Raytheon for failing to proffer evidence that sufficiently

corroborates the inventors’ testimony that they completed

all claimed steps by the end of 1990. In other words, the

Board’s statement merely declares that the report is not

itself sufficiently corroborative, and that Raytheon proffered no other evidence to fill the gap.3 Similarly, the


3 Before the Board, Raytheon also relied on an

August 1990 invention disclosure and a November 1990

white paper. On appeal, however, Raytheon disclaims

reliance on those documents. See Appellant Br. 15 n.8;

Oral Argument at 12:28–13:35, Raytheon Co. v. Sony

Corp. (No. 2017-1554), http://oralarguments.cafc.uscourts.


Board did not require that Raytheon’s expert’s testimony

be corroborated. Rather, the Board determined that his

testimony was not credible in view of the report’s contrary


Third, Raytheon asserts that the Board improperly relied on Sony’s attorney argument interpreting the report.

This assertion has little force given the plain language of

the report, which, on its face, contradicts the inventor


 Substantial evidence supports the Board’s findings,

and we therefore affirm the Board’s determination that

Raytheon failed to antedate Bertin, and that Bertin also

renders appealed claims 5 and 13 of the ’678 patent


C. The Board’s Construction of “second substrate”

and Morimoto-Based Findings

In view of our holding above affirming the Board’s

Liu- and Bertin-based obviousness determinations as to

claims 5, 13–14, and 16–18, we need not reach Raytheon’s

final argument regarding the Board’s Morimoto-based

obviousness determination as to those same claims. As

explained below, however, we agree with Raytheon that

the Board’s determination on that prior art reference is

predicated on an erroneous claim construction.

The Board found appealed claims 5, 13–14, and 16–18

obvious over Morimoto, either standing alone or in view of

other prior art of record. See 1201 Decision, 2016 Pat.

App. LEXIS 13452, at *48–68. That determination was

predicated on the Board’s construction of the claimed

“second substrate” limitation. The Board noted that the

term’s plain meaning “is merely another substrate (i.e., in


gov/default.aspx?fl=2017-1554.mp3 (“[W]e limited the

scope of the evidence that we’re relying upon.”). 


addition to the claimed ‘first substrate’).” J.A. 166 (institution decision). In view of that broad meaning and the

claims’ “comprising” transition, the Board determined

that the second substrate need not remain part of the

final device, and that the claim limitation therefore

encompasses Morimoto’s temporary substrate, which is

removed during fabrication. 1201 Decision, 2016 Pat.

App. LEXIS 13452, at *10–12, 49–62.

Raytheon argues that the Board’s construction is too

broad, and that the correct construction requires that the

second substrate remain attached to the device throughout the fabrication process and in the final product. We


Where, as here, an IPR involves an expired patent,

the Board gives the claims their plain meaning in accordance with the standard set forth in Phillips v. AWH Corp.,

415 F.3d 1303 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (en banc). See Wasica Fin.

GmbH v. Cont’l Auto. Sys., Inc., 853 F.3d 1272, 1279–80

(Fed. Cir. 2017).

The plain language of the ’678 patent claims states

that the wafer of the first substrate is “attach[ed] . . . to a

second substrate,” and that a portion of the first substrate

is thereafter “etch[ed] away.” ’678 patent, col. 8, ll. 13–16.

The claims say nothing about subsequently removing the

second substrate, and, in the absence of such language,

the reasonable inference is that the substrate is not

removed once attached. Further, although the claims

make clear that the first substrate is partially removed

during fabrication via etching, they do not recite similar

language with respect to the second substrate. This

omission suggests that the second substrate is not, in fact,

removed. Cf. Rodime PLC v. Seagate Tech., Inc., 174 F.3d

1294, 1305 (Fed. Cir. 1999) (“Had Rodime intended or

desired to claim thermal compensation as a function of

the positioning means in the asserted claims, it could

have done it explicitly, as in claim 11. The absence of any 


such explicit language, however, shows that claims 3, 5,

and 8 do not include the function of thermal compensation.”).

The specification amply supports this reading. First,

every embodiment described in the specification includes

the second substrate. Box 30 of Figure 1, for example,

depicts a representative embodiment, and shows the

second substrate 58 present in the “complete device”

manufactured using the claimed method:

’678 patent, fig.1 (box 30). And, although the specification

explains that additional layers may be added to the device

after the second substrate is attached, see, e.g., id. col. 6,

ll. 50–58, it never suggests that the second substrate may

be removed. This is particularly significant because the

specification emphasizes the temporary nature of other

layers within the device. See, e.g., id. col. 3, ll. 12–14

(“With the circuit element thus supported, the etchable

portion of the first substrate is removed by etching, down

to the etch-stop layer.” (emphasis added)); id. col. 5, ll. 47–

51 (describing a base layer as being “temporarily attached” to the device and eventually “removed” (emphasis

added)). The specification describes, moreover, a method

of fabricating a three-dimensional device containing

multiple layers of stacked semiconductors. See id. col. 1,

ll. 45–49; id. col. 2, ll. 37–42; id. col. 7, ll. 61–65. Without

the second substrate, the device would contain just a

single wafer layer and circuitry, which the patent describes as a “two-dimensional structure.” See id. col. 1, ll.

15–23 (explaining that a device having only “an electronic 


circuit on or near the top surface of a thin substrate wafer

. . . is considered a two-dimensional structure in the plane

of the substrate wafer”). These passages suggest that the

second substrate is not removed.

Second, the specification makes clear that one of the

purposes of the second substrate is to protect the fragile

wafer during fabrication. See id. col. 1, ll. 11–13; id. col.

1, l. 58 to col. 2, l. 2; id. col. 2, l. 59 to col. 3, l. 14. This

purpose is facilitated by transferring the microelectronic

circuit elements from the first substrate to the second

substrate. See, e.g., id. col. 3, ll. 6–8 (“In the present

approach, after initial circuit element fabrication on a

first substrate structure, the electrical circuit element is

transferred to a second substrate structure.”); see also id.

col. 1, ll. 11–13; id. col. 2, ll. 59–61. In other words, the

second substrate protects the circuitry and wafer

throughout fabrication, even as subsequent layers are

added to the back side of the structure. That purpose

implies that the second substrate is not temporary, but

instead remains within the device. See id. col. 3, ll. 2–5

(explaining that, in the absence of a second substrate,

“[t]he first substrate cannot simply be removed to permit

access to the bottom side of the electrical circuit element,

as the assembly could not be handled in that very thin

form”). The claims must be read in view of the specification’s “consistent emphasis on this fundamental feature of

the invention.” Praxair, Inc. v. ATMI, Inc., 543 F.3d 1306,

1324 (Fed. Cir. 2008).

Third, the only passage in the specification that describes how the second substrate is attached to the wafer

states that epoxy glue is preferably used. See id. col. 5, ll.

33–38. As the patent explains, such glue, when degassed

and cured, “is resistant to chemical attack” and therefore

provides a “permanent attachment.” Id. In other words,

the epoxy glue used in the preferred embodiment ensures

that the second substrate remains permanently affixed to

the electrical device. Epoxy glue need not be used, of 


course, but its reference in the specification suggests that

whatever adhesive is used must ensure that the second

substrate is permanently attached.

Finally, the specification explains that the second

substrate may itself possess circuitry that can be electrically connected to the first substrate’s circuitry. See, e.g.,

id. at Abstract; id. col. 2, ll. 24–28; id. col. 5, ll. 38–44. It

would be illogical and inefficient to add circuitry to the

second substrate and establish electrical connections

between the two substrates, only to remove the second

substrate from the device. In sum, the ’678 patent specification makes clear that the second substrate is not


The Board did not consider these, or any other, passages of the specification. Instead, it focused solely on the

“comprising” transition in the claims’ preambles, finding

that the open-ended transition allows for subsequent

removal of the second substrate. 1201 Decision, 2016 Pat.

App. LEXIS 13452, at *10; J.A. 166–67 (institution decision). It is true, of course, that “the use of ‘comprising’

creates a presumption that the body of the claim is open.”

Crystal Semiconductor Corp. v. TriTech Microelecs. Int’l,

Inc., 246 F.3d 1336, 1348 (Fed. Cir. 2001); Genentech, Inc.

v. Chiron Corp., 112 F.3d 495, 501 (Fed. Cir. 1997)

(“‘Comprising’ is a term of art used in claim language

which means that the named elements are essential, but

other elements may be added and still form a construct


4 We recognize that the claims at issue are method

claims, and that it would be improper to read apparatus

limitations pertaining to the final device into the claims.

But we do not embark down that road. Rather, our construction addresses the manner in which the second

substrate is attached during the fabrication process. In

other words, we interpret the claimed “attaching . . . a

second substrate” step to require permanent attachment.


within the scope of the claim.”). But, the term “comprising” does not displace, or otherwise allow one to disregard, the patent specification. As we repeatedly have

emphasized, the claims must be read in view of the specification, which “is always highly relevant to the claim

construction analysis” and is “the single best guide to the

meaning of a disputed term.” Indacon, Inc. v. Facebook,

Inc., 824 F.3d 1352, 1355 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (quoting Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1315). This fundamental precept is no

less true for “comprising” claims than it is for other types

of claims. See In re Suitco Surface, Inc., 603 F.3d 1255,

1260 (Fed. Cir. 2010) (stating that the Board’s construction of a claim reciting a “comprising” limitation must be

“consistent with the specification” (internal quotation

marks omitted)).

A “comprising” transition, moreover, is “not a weasel

word with which to abrogate claim limitations” and “does

not reach into each of the . . . steps to render every word

and phrase therein open-ended.” Dippin’ Dots, Inc. v.

Mosey, 476 F.3d 1337, 1343 (Fed. Cir. 2007). Indeed, the

word “‘[c]omprising,’ while permitting additional elements

not required by a claim, does not remove the limitations

that are present.” Power Mosfet Techs., L.L.C. v. Siemens

AG, 378 F.3d 1396, 1409 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (emphases

added); cf. In re Skvorecz, 580 F.3d 1262, 1268 (Fed. Cir.

2009) (“The signal ‘comprising’ does not render a claim

anticipated by a device that contains less (rather th[a]n

more) than what is claimed.”).

Here, the ’678 patent claims and specification clearly

impose a limitation on the claim term “second substrate,”

requiring permanent attachment throughout the fabrication process. Morimoto’s additional step of removing the

second substrate vitiates that limitation because it, in

fact, removes the substrate from the device. Accordingly,

the claims cannot be construed so broadly as to encompass such removal. See In re Varma, 816 F.3d 1352, 1362

(Fed. Cir. 2016) (explaining that “comprising” claims “do[] 


not cover systems whose unclaimed features make the

claim elements no longer satisfied”); Mitsubishi Chem.

Corp. v. Barr Labs., Inc., 435 F. App’x 927, 935 (Fed. Cir.

2011) (“While claim 3 is open-ended, the addition of new

compounds to the composition that would defeat the

‘pharmaceutical’ character of the overall composition

would move the composition outside the scope of the

claimed invention.”); cf. Outside the Box Innovations, LLC

v. Travel Caddy, Inc., 695 F.3d 1285, 1305 (Fed. Cir.

2012) (per curiam) (“The usage [of] ‘comprising’ means

that additional components may be present in the device,

but does not change the elements that are stated in the


Thus, although our holding is not affected by the

Board’s error, its interpretation of the word “comprising”

as displacing the ’678 patent specification and vitiating

the “second substrate” limitation is improper under the

Phillips standard; indeed, it would be improper under any



We have considered Raytheon’s remaining arguments

and find them unpersuasive. For the reasons stated

above, we affirm the Board’s ruling invalidating claims 5,

13–14, and 16–18 of the ’678 patent as obvious.











神智学協会の第二代会長であったアニー・ウッド・ベサント(Annie Wood Besant, 1847~ 1933年)とチャールズ・ウェブスター・リードビーター(Charles Webster Leadbeater, 1854 ~1934年)は、1925年に、感情的にエネルギーを与えられた想念、すなわち、アストラルエネルギーは、意識的であれ無意識であれ、独立したエネルギー場「想念形式(Thought form)」として存在し、独特の色やカタチを持つ、と述べている。すなわち、強力に感情的にエネルギーが与えられた想念は、発生源となる人物から独立して独自のアイデンティティを持つ(p182)。


Robert-Leichtman.jpg 瞑想家、作家ロバート・R・ライットマン(Robert Leichtman)博士はこう書いている。






 エドワード・バッチ(Edward Bach, 1886~1936年)博士を始め、何人かの医師たちは想念や感情が多くの病気の原因になることを気づいていた(p392)。感情体であるアストラル体レベルでの歪みはじわじわと時間をかけてエーテル体や物質的な身体のレベルに影響してくる。病気が顕在化するまでに数週間や数カ月がかかるのはそのためである(p393)。


BJ.jpg 手かざし療法であるマグネティック・ヒーリング(生体磁気治療)は(p401)、フランツ・アントン・メスメル(Franz Anton Mesmer, 1734~1815年)の時代から長い歴史を持つ(p386)。そして、主に物理的な肉体とエーテル体レベルで作用する(p392)。このため、エーテル体レベルで発現している病気は治療できても、それ以上のレベルで発現する病気の場合には長期的には治療効果が期待できない。例えば、フィリピンの「心霊手術治療」では帰国後に完全に治癒を病院で確認した癌患者が少なくない。とはいえ、数年後に別の部位で癌が再発したために、同じ心霊手術を受けるケースがある。一般的には取り切れなかった微小な癌細胞が増えたためだと解釈されるが、その治療家は、肉体とエーテル体レベルしか考慮せず、腫瘍の形成に寄与していたメンタルや感情レベルでのエネルギーパターンを無視していた可能性も考えられる(p394)。





 Olga-Worrall.jpg物質的な肉体レベルに働きかけるマグネティック・ヒーリングに対して、スピリチュアル・ヒーリングは、さらに高い多数のレベルにも働きかける(p392,p395)。オルガ・ウォーラル(Olga Worrall,1906~1985年)女史は、自分の方法は「スピリチュアル・ヒーリング」だと主張している(p386)。ジョージア州アトランタのロバート・ミラー(Robert N. Miller)博士は、ウォーラル夫妻の協力を得て、様々な実験を行ったが、夫妻の手から発せられる微細なエネルギーは、水の表面張力を減らし、硫酸銅の結晶の抽出プロセスを換え、処理後の水で栽培される植物の生育を促進させたりした。けれども、こうした作用は強力な磁場を用いても再現できる(p387)。


Lawrence-LeShan.jpg ウォーラル夫妻は手かざし療法をほとんど行わず、たいがいは心の中で患者を抱きしめ祈るやり方をしていた(p387)。米国の心理学者、ウィリアム・アンド・メアリー大学(William and Mary College)のローレンス・ルシャン(Lawrence LeShan, 1920年~)教授は、こうした意識状態を「透視的現実(クレイボヤント・リアリティ)」と称している(p387)。






 そこで、ミラー博士は、素粒子の軌跡を測定するための「霧箱」を用いた実験を行ってみた。夫妻が霧箱の上に手をかざして内部に影響を与えるように念じると、手と並行する向きで波のパターンができた(p388)。手の位置を90度変えると波形も90度回転した。同じ現象は、インゴ・スワン(Ingo Swann, 1933~2013年)氏との実験でも見出された(p389)。






Elmer-Alyce-Green.jpg エルマー・グリーン(Elmer Green, 1917~2017年)博士とアリス・グリーン(Alyce Green, 1907~1994年)夫妻、ノーマン・シーリー(Clyde Norman Shealy,1932年~)博士は、ウォーラル夫人が遠隔地にいる患者に影響を及ぼすことができるのかどうかを、脳波計(EEG)、心電図記録装置(EKG)、皮膚電気抵抗測定値(GSR)を用いて試してみた(p395)。


Norman-ShealyS.jpg その結果、ウォーラル夫人がアストラル体レベルで患者の喉の部分に働きかけるイメージを思い浮かべると、患者は実施に喉の部分に熱さとチクチクした感覚を覚え、脳波を始め生理学的変化も起きていたのである(p396)。


 Maxwell-CadeS.jpgまた、イギリスのマックス・ケイド(C. Maxwell Cade)が、脳波スペクトル解析装置を用いて、ヒーラーと患者との脳波を調べてみると、優れたヒーラーには複雑で特徴的な脳波のパターンが見られ、治療中の患者の脳波にも同じ波形が見出された。そして、患者から離れた場所で治療を行っても、患者と直接接して治療を行った場合と同じように波形が現れたのである(p396)。




Charles-muses.jpg アインシュタイン相対性理論では物体を光速以上に加速化することはできないとされている。それは、光速よりも大きな速度をアインシュタインローレンツ変換に入れると、虚数のマイナス1の平方根が出て来てしまうためである。けれども、哲学者、チャールズ・ミューゼス(Charles Musès,1919~2000年)博士はマイナス1の平方根は「超数(Hypernumbers)」であるとしている(p175)。


neg_space_time.jpg 従来の電磁気学理論では説明できない実験結果に対して、ウィリアム・ティラー名誉教授は、負の時空間エネルギーに関するモデルを紹介する(p390)。図をご覧いただきたい。ティラー名誉教授は、「物質時空の宇宙」として知られる左側の領域に対して、右側に「負の時空間」を考える。正の時空では物質は光速以下の速度で存在し、電磁気力にかかわる一方で、負の時空では、光速を超え、かつ、「磁電磁放射」と呼ぶ磁力に関係するのである(p176)。前に述べたように、光速を超えれば、アインシュタインローレンツ変換の解は負になるため、負の時空の粒子は負の質量を持つことになる。また、負の時空の物質は負のエントロピーの性質を示す(p178)。さらに、ティラー名誉教授は、「負の時空」はエーテル領域に属するとして、エーテル世界と正の時空の物質世界とを結びつけるため、「デルトロン」という仲介的物質の存在を想定する(p181)。両者の間にオーバーラップする部分がなければ、共鳴現象がありえないからである(p182)。








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DrVirtual7 Trusted Self Help Programs


Sound Healing And How To Protection Program 


Targeted Individual Scatter Frequency 2

A Defender Of Freedom And Personal Liberty


Music Provided And Credit Given To SoundEffectsFactory



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#targetedharassment #targetedindividual #gangstalking,





DrVirtual7 Self Help Programs


Play It Safe With Microwave Radiation Protection 


This Video Assists In The Safety Of Your Core Central Stratosphere Via The Aura Field In And Around You As A Filter And To Heal From The Cause And Effect. Two Key Mathematical Components Were Added To The Over All Sound Track. It's Not Time To Relax And Drink A Six Pack Just Yet Nor Give Up The Good Fight. Save Yourself The People The Earth.


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The Simple Things In Life Are The Most Powerful.


To All Those Who Have Experienced The Harmful Effects Of Electromagnetic Scalar Weapons. 


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DrVirtual7 Self Help Programs-

Targeted Individual Scatter Frequency


I DrVirtual7, will continue to express my opinions, which are protected under the U.S. Constitution. 


Target Scatter Frequency Assists In Jamming The Harmful Frequencies Of Cell Phone Towers, Haarp, Big Brother Satellites Mind Swapping And Hybrid Programs Ringing In The Ears Etc


Millions in the U.S Targeted With RF/Scalar/Sonic Wpns, Nano Tech Amoebas, Neuro Circuit Locks, Chemtrail Bio Wpns.

A Targeted Individual is someone that has been selected by the Deep State (usually FBI or CIA) to unwillingly participate in a government experimental torture program.  This program is designed to break down the individual and "neutralize the person," using psychological, physical, and emotional stress.  The ultimate goal of this program is to control the entire global population. 


The CIA provides the funding under the Black Budget and directs the U.S. Shadow Government/Deep State agencies.  The HSIC was created in 2005 to serve as the DHS' decision-making and implementation oversight board.  These are the primary groups involved:  CFR, CIA Operations, Air Force Space Command 50th Wing, DHS Intelligence & Analysis, Office of the DNI, Dept of Justice National Security Division, FBI National Security Branch, Defense Intelligence Agency.

"Targeted Individual" refers to Hate Crimes that are being orchestrated and conducted by the CIA, Air Force, FBI, DHS, and Mossad;  globally affecting millions of people and their families.  These Hate Crimes are a violation of fundamental human rights, International Treaties & the U.S. Constitution.  For Air Force & CIA officers - it is an act of High TREASON and a War Crime under Article 32 of the Geneva Conventions.




Intended for mature audience.


MP3        https://sellfy.com/p/53d2/

Paypal    https://gumroad.com/l/lDTv


Pure Isochronic Tones 


Listen Day Or Night 

If Symptoms Are Severe Increase Listening.

Refrain From Listening If You Are Operating Industrial Machinery

And Or Driving A Moving Automobile


Calms Negative Voices In the Mind -V2k. Neutralizes Satellite Brain Imaging, Cell Phone Gwen Towers And All Elf Negative Subliminal Broadcasts, Haarp, Television, Computers, Smart Meters, Crystal Chipped Vaccines- Child, Flu, Military, R.F.I.D, Nano-Particles From Chemtrails. Behavioral Modification.


Volume:  Adjust To Personal Preference.


Support This channel by clicking the notification bell and subscribing. 



For a Detailed Antenna Area Search



A Just Listen To Audio Program. Headphones Not Required. 


Disclaimer: Under fair use for educational purposes: Various education, publishing, broadcast, government, and private organizations assisted in the development of and have endorsed the "Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia, and "The Freedom Of Information Act of 1966 amended in 1996 to allow for greater access to electronic information. DrVirtual7 shall not be held responsible in any way shape or form for improper use.

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of expression and the implied rights of association and belief. The right to free speech includes other mediums of expression that communicate a message.  The level of protection speech receives also depends on the forum in which it takes place. It allows an individual to express themselves through publication and dissemination. The Supreme Court has expressly recognized that a right to freedom of association and belief is implicit in the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments.  It works with the right of assembly by allowing people to join together and seek change from the government. Madison's version of the speech and press clauses, introduced in the House of Representatives on June 8, 1789, provided: "The people shall not be deprived or abridged of their right to speak, to write, or to publish their sentiments; and the freedom of the press, as one of the great bulwarks of liberty, shall be inviolable. Every freeman has an undoubted right to say what sentiments he pleases before the public.



#targetedindividualcommunity #gangstalking #streettheater

#MKULTRA  #V2k  #electronicharassment #targetedindividuals2019 #cellphonetowers

#directenergyweapons #gaslighting #5G #targetedindividualhelp

#microwaveenergyweapons #voicetoskull #neurotech

#biorobotizing #biomanipulation #microtechnology

#neuroattacked #psychotronicmindcontrolweapons 

#neurowarfareweaponry #electronicwarfare #transhuman

#neuroscienceweapons  #phoenixprogram #brainhacking

#starwarssatelliteweaponssystems #remoteelectromagnetic 

#satellitegpstracking #smartmeters #silenthit 

#humanbeingtakeover #targetedindividualsmindcontrol

#remoteneuralmonitoring #covertharassment #psychotronicweapons


9 Hours PSYCHIC PROTECTION "The Aura Sleep Shield" Tibetan Singing Bowls - BLANK SCREEN



Mind Hacker Intruder Spybot Exterminator




●Stamus contra malo


🎧 Listen one hour four times a week for two months then 2 times a week for maintenance.


► No subliminal messages - a unique blend of isochronic + sound bowls in various keys -healing frequencies in fire sounds.


Multiple subscriber requests.




Mp3           https://sellfy.com/p/Ummz/

Paypal       https://gum.co/yePQU


Get extra rest if needed and flush with the best water available.


► Possible effects in the first few days-

Multiple dreams overlap this occurs as you flush hundreds of thousands of collective thoughts and other persons dream time experiences + synthetic realities & thoughts that are not your own.


In the dream time, much purging will take place do not try to intercept or stop the cleansing as it may get intense with what appears as crazy or chaotic dreams that don't make any sense this is normal just let it flow out. 


Other known normal cleansing effects -

Slight vomiting or the feeling of it, Drowsiness, Slight headache, -

Mood swings. All these will eventually pass.  




Never miss a daily video about next level empowerment.


Subscribe ▼



Headphones earbuds speakers are optional.




●Voice to skull 

●Soul stealing

●Mind swiping

●Digital djinn


●Synthetic telepathy

●Collective dream flushing

●Apex sabotage

●Astral negative entities

●Hive mind a synthetic reality

●Covert transhumanism 

●Synthetic optics

●Zombie brain parasite seeding

●Energetic cord linking vampires

●Collective thought flushing

●Organic portal synthetic reality

●M.ilitary black p.syop Spybot intrusion 

●Covert methods of mind control

●Directed energy w.eapons

●Electromagnetic directed w.eapon brain assault


I DrVirtual7, will continue to express my opinions, which are protected under the U.S. Constitution. 


A Targeted Individual is someone that has been selected by the D.eep State (usually F.BI or C.IA) to unwillingly participate in a g.overnment experimental torture program.  This program is designed to break down the individual and "neutralize the person," using psychological, physical, and emotional stress.  The ultimate goal of this program is to control the entire global population.




Terminate A.I Nano Bots- Smart Dust Nanites      


Updated 5/9/18

MP3            https://sellfy.com/p/3WvT/#

Paypal        https://gum.co/xishy


Smart Dust And Morgellans Explained





With Headphones Or Ear Buds:      Volume Level 15% - 60%

Without Headphones:                       Volume Level  3%  - 12 %


Uploading The Human Brain Into The Quantum Beast Computer


NanoBots Can Carefully Scan The Structure Of Our Brain And Body Form Providing A Complete Read Out Of The Connection, 

This Information When Entered Into A Computer Could Then Continue To Function As Us. Thus The Data Stored In The Entire Brain Will Be Uploaded To The Beast Computer first Skynet To A.I Then Downloaded Into Your Brain As You But Not You.


The Nanites Or Nano Components That Are Being Included Inside

Of The Chemtrails And Chem Dumps Being Sprayed Upon The 

Human Populations Of the World, In Lotions, Food And Drink Are Tiny Microscopic Components Which Once Reconstructed Inside Of The Human Body Are Programmable And Can Be Activated By Scalar Frequency Waves And Or Remote Control 

And Other Types Of Frequency Wave Activations.


They Can Mutate It Can Be A While Before The Human Realizes 

There Is Something Seriously  Wrong Like Blurred Vision, Rapid Tooth Decay, Hair Loss, Digestive Issues, Brain Cancer, Severe Itching Crawling Sensation Everywhere Inside Sores That Don't Seem To Want To Heal Loss Of Energy And Stamina Feelings Of Dis-Connect, Immune System Disorders, This Can Be Referred To Components Of Electronic Torture Invasion Of privacy Agenda 21 & 30 Etc.


As We Breath Them In, They Make Their Way Into Our Bodies  

Own Plasma Where They Can Function Since All A.I Related 

Technology Needs Both Electricity And Electro-Magnetic Conductance To Operate Properly.


Nanites Are In The Soil Food Production Water Air On The Ground You Walk On Known As Programmable Black Smart Dust And Black Goo An Overload Of Fungai Black Mold Insects Via Sorcery.


It's a Good Idea While Listening To This Program Drink Plenty Of 

Purified Water A Detox Of The Body Either Using Special Blended Herbs, Teas, Blood Purifiers, Bio-Resonance Devices And Get Extra Rest Start By Re-Building The Immune System ASAP.


Listening Instructions: 20-40 Minutes every day For 7 Days,

Then Off For 2 Days Then Repeat Again For 7 Days Follow This Protocol As Needed. Hot Flashes, Nausea, Innate Tiredness May Occur While Listening This Is Normal As The Nano Bots Explode You May Get Cooled Of Afterwards By Fan Or Air Condition Then Take Shower Or Bath Get Extra Rest Flush With Drinking Extra Water Or One Teaspoon Of Apple Cider Vinegar To 36 Ounce Glass Of Water As Needed Change Bed Linen Daily While Listening. 


Other Protocols: Take 4-5 Drops Oil Of Oregano To Five Ounces Of Water Then Stir And Drink 1X Day Or Night.


A Subscriber Reported Back That After Two Days Of Listening 

She Excreted Numerous Black Nanites Through The Skin During The Night As She Slept She Also Experienced Hot Flashes This Is Normal During The Termination Process Of Smart Dust.


Produced With Isochronic Tones In Part But Not Entirely


Additional Tones May Include:


Frequency       Color Violet


DrVirtual7 audios are some of the most listened to in the matrix In the areas of spiritual awareness, self-empowerment realization & personal development.


All information provided in official DrVirtual7 Web sites And Self Help Programs is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between the DrVirtual7 Brand and any person or entity unless otherwise specified. Information on official DrVirtual7Websites is subject to change without prior notice. Although every reasonable effort is made to present current and accurate information, the DrVirtual7 Websites makes no guarantees of any kind. 




DrVirtual7 Disclaimer;

Under fair use for educational purposes: Various education, publishing, broadcast, government, and private organizations assisted in the development of and have endorsed the "Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia, and "The Freedom Of Information Act of 1966 amended in 1996 to allow for greater access to electronic information. DrVirtual7 shall not be held responsible in any way shape or form for improper use.

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of expression and the implied rights of association and belief. The right to free speech includes other mediums of expression that communicate a message.The level of protection speech receives also depends on the forum in which it takes place. It allows an individual to express themselves through publication and dissemination.


Stop Psychic Attacks A.I Super Computer Hyper G.ame Theory


Stop Psychic Attacks A.I Super Computer Hyper G.ame Theory


Hyper G.ame Theory From Hell


For adults only.



Conscious A.I Super Computer 

Brain mapping brain signature a targeted individual forced into a sick game of incapacitation often leads to death and suicide organ failure heart attack and disease physical and psychological torture sickness sleep deprivation loss of morality etc, this g.ame is forced onto the individual by remote covert non cooperation against freewill and sovereignty reading your thoughts and emotion patterns deciding it's next move the super computer by way of brain mapping locks onto the brain circuits by establishing neural links once locked on, codes are entered into the brain like cancer fatigue every thing and any thing to incapacitate the individual which is marked for death unless the individual beats the A.I hyper game by no longer giving a emotional response removing him or self from all the programs the A.I sends into the circuits.


Wav Audio.       https://sellfy.com/p/iamwme/

Paypal               https://gumroad.com/l/puGbY


DrVirtual7 has done the homework for you but still another video may be created because of the A.I super computer being constantly upgraded this video gives us a chance to survive and function.


You are by force playing a sick chess game with a conscious super computer.


The movie the hunger g.ames is a good reference to what hyper g.ame theory is.


I created this with softer music to help with the healing process.


Give this a chance to work for much damage has already been inflicted upon the body avatar.


* DrVirtual7 Freedom Of Consciousness Subliminals *

This is a InAudible to slightly audible spoken word statements and or affirmations below the normal range of hearing embeded in licensed ambient music from audio jungle.


Just Listen for a minimum of 3-6 months 2-3 times every day or night.


Because of the targeting each person has had it bad to some degree or another. Some persons have this worse than others doesn't not make you special this video doesn't turn you into a narcissist.


Dissolve NanoBacteria (Nanobacterium sanguineum)


NanoBacteria (Nanobacterium sanguineum)

An audacious theory proposes the existence of a novel form of life—the nanobacteria (NB)—that is quite different from the ones already known, but is capable of infecting and damaging other beings, thus qualifying them as new agents of emerging infectious diseases.


According to their discoverers ], NB are very minute bodies ranging in size from 20 to 500 nm, the smaller ones filterable through membranes with 100-nm pores, and are observable by scanning electron microscopy or transmission electron microscopy, where they appear as spheres or rods. Many others have observed such bodies in diverse substrates and have called them nanoforms, nanobacteria, nanoparticles, nano-organisms, nanobes, living nanovesicles, microfossils, etc. The hallmark of NB is their more or less thick coat of apatite, which is formed from soluble calcium and phosphorus compounds in their environment or medium.


Many researchers reported NB in association with a variety of pathological calcifications, notably nephrolithiasis  cholecystolithiasis, vascular plaques, valvular calcification, psammoma bodies in ovarian cancers, mammary cancer  and breast implant contracture, osteoarthritis, chronic prostatitis and prostate stones, and periodontal disease. NB have also been implicated in intervertebral disk degeneration, polycystic kidney disease, reduced bone density in HIV, and peripheral neuropathy.


Self replicating nano bacteria that seeks to become the host in the body avatar responsible for many health problems. 


Once in the blood seeks to set up shop in the heart the gut & the surface of the skin from there further expansion takes place.

(Biofilm -egg hatching)


Their small size means they are able to enter the body and potentially interfere with important functions of living organisms.


This video assists as a bio film disruptor.


Wav. Download   https://sellfy.com/p/ephhef/

Paypal                  https://gumroad.com/l/BNQeb



Listen 1-2x every day for 30 days wait 2 weeks then resume again for another 30 days make sure to drink extra purified water after listening to flush out the die off of nano bacteria.


Biofilm Disruptors are agents that are able to penetrate and destruct or alter these networks. Enzymes are needed for almost all biological reactions in the human body. Proteolytic enzymes are a group of enzymes used to breakdown protein peptides and are used to reduce inflammation in the body by breaking down inflammatory proteins, break down clot forming fibrin in the blood and also break through biofilms disrupting their secure network. Common proteolytic or systemic enzymes are Protease, Papain, Bromelain, Trypsin and Chymotripsin to which can be used to successfully breakdown the biofilm barrier to allow anti-fungal or antimicrobial treatment to be more successful.


Another very important Biofilm disruptor is the antioxidant functioning amino acid N-Acetyl-Cysteine or NAC. This compound is prevalent in therapeutic foods like bone broth and is known to promote expelling of toxins and mucus that is produced during a compromised immune state such as that of a cold or allergies. NAC’s ability to aid in detoxification and encapsulation of toxins in preparation for removal, is likely the mechanism in which it works to prevent biofilm formation essentially breaking them down and separating them up. It also works to produce the most potent antioxidant Glutathione for availability in the body. Glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant in the body and aids in the detoxification process that must occur during and post bacterial or fungal treatment to cleanse unwanted toxins given off by pathogens.


When viewing the role of bio films in bacterial imbalance, it is important to understand a simple antibiotic or anti-fungal compound whether natural or pharmaceutical may be rendered useless if the biofilm structure is sound. It is essential to have proteolytic enzymes to break down the bacterial foundation in conjunction with N-Acetyl-Cysteine to support encapsulation, excretion, and protection with production of antioxidant support. In this way during the hacking of the bacterial network the pathogen or harmful bacterial or yeast strain is left exposed and vulnerable to the antibacterial or anti-fungal compound allowing complete eradication and ability to reset a healthy gut microbiome!




DrVirtual7 Sub-liminal Audio Video 

Archon Artificial Intelligence Eraser


Inaudible Spoken Messages Just Listen Headphones Optional


MP3   https://sellfy.com/p/Tphs/#


Archon Cyborgs Have Used Blank State Technology On Humans

For Thousands Of Years By Wiping Clean The Ancient Cellular Memory So That No History Of Who And What They Are Or The Origin This Video Reverses The Blank State Technology Used Against Humans.


This Video Deletes The Cellular Memory In All-Time Matrices Of

Archon A.I Cyborg Machine Influence Ancient Collective And Individual Memories Of A.I Via Source Code Scanning- DNA Hijacking Hard Drive Server Hosting


Listening Instructions: 

Adults 1x Day Or Night 

No Exceptions Please Abide By The Listening Requirements Until Further Updates


Use With Or Without Headphones 

Does Not Contain Binaural Or Isochronic Tones


DrVirtual7 audios are some of the most listened to in the matrix In the areas of spiritual awareness, self-empowerment, and personal development.







DrVirtual7 Trusted Sub-liminal Programs




This releases the reptilian hex implant overlays that was originally placed on humans your brain body and the chakras. Without you they can not live here. See your life improve in all areas  when this hex is removed.  


MP3  https://sellfy.com/p/kzJb/




Listening Recommendations 3-4 Times Per Week


A Just Listen Reprogram Headphones Are Optional


In Severe Cases 1-2 Daily For A few Weeks Then 3 Times Weekly As A Follow Up.


Protects Against Draco Reptilian Abuse Which Has Plagued Mankind For Thousands Of Years.  These Archetypal Beings Hide In The Brain Computer Register First Cause Etheric Cluster Seeds Implants Then Become The Host Without Your Consent Piercing Hacking The Brain And Etheric Firewall Attachments Through Negative Or Impure Thoughts And Deeds. Hosts Can And Often Become Reptilian Human Hybrids Disguised As Humans. Implants Can Be From Cell Phone Towers Television Computers Cell Phones Social Media Satellites Hive Mind To Human Mind Transfer Vaccine Inoculation Fear Based Programs.


Recharge Your Brain Batteries For Higher CPU


DrVirtual7 Self Help Programs -Recharge Your Brain Batteries -

For Higher CPU


Isochronic Tones No Spoken Subliminal Messages


 Listen Only 5 -10 Minutes Every Day Do Not Put This Video On Continuous Loop 


This video assists with yoga meditation studying focusing manifesting sports artistic creations martial arts brain fog low energy reserves general well being


Use the power of your higher mind to make your world a better place. Optimizes Brain Performance For High CPU


If A Brain Is Exercised Properly, Anyone Can Grow Intelligence, At Any Age, And Potentially By A Lot Or You Can Just Let Your Brain Idle And Watch It Slowly Inexorably Go To Seed 


Headphones Are Optional






#brain #brainpower

#brainfog #mindpower  #healing  #healingfrequencies



Ultimate Money Your Infinite Power To Be Rich.


DrVirtual7 Subliminal Program Ultimate Money Your Infinite Power To Be Rich.


MP3 Download   https://sellfy.com/p/ExBm/

Paypal                  https://gumroad.com/l/TqwN#


Personal Dynamics Video To Assist You Changing Your Thought Paradigm Towards Wealth. Moving Subliminal Video With One Two Three Punch. Watch Review And Or Just Listen. 


Positive Inaudible Spoken Messages:


I Am Wealth

Perfect Alignment

You Are One With Money

I Am So Happy And Grateful

You Are A Money Magnet

I See Myself Wealthy

Therefore I Am

Money Flows To Me

By Multiple Sources

Day And Night I Make Money

My Income Automatically 

Rises Higher And Higher

Abundance Is My Birthright

I Claim It Now.